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ProductsMTronic Products arrowSmart Blind

Adjust your blinds, hands-free!

Smart Blind

A sleek pearl white MTronic Smart Blind Panel with a circled dot in the center and the roll up arrow lit up in blue while the roll down option is in grey and a grey MRS logo at the bottom
Mtronic - Smart Blind Icon

Smart Blind

Adjust your blinds, hands-free!

A sleek pearl white MTronic Smart Blind Panel with a circled dot in the center and the roll up arrow lit up in blue while the roll down option is in grey and a grey MRS logo at the bottom
Scroll to ExploreScroll to Explore Arrow
Smart Blind Panel attaches upto 16 blinds

One panel, many blinds

The Smart Blind Panel can control up to 16 blinds simultaneously.

One scene, total convenience

Activate 'Away' scene

replay icon

Your blinds automatically close along with your lights, fans, and AC.

Adjust your blinds with just a tap

Use the Smart Blind Panel to raise or lower the blinds whenever you need to.

replay icon

It’s quick and effortless, just the way you like it.

Wake up to natural light pouring into your room

3 blinds rolled up in ascending order, letting in sunshine in the room and on the elongated window seat

The Smart Blind

Morning scene

Blinds rolls up by MTronic Smart Blind

automatically rolls up when it's time for you to wake up

Evening scene

Blinds rolls down by MTronic Smart Blind

and rolls down as you wind down at the end of day.

Everything is fully automated and works every single time!

One blind – many options

Set your blinds anywhere from 0 (fully down) to 10 (fully rolled up).

Animation Image

Do it through Alexa, the MTronic App, the LCD Touch Panel, or the Smart Blind Panel, the choice is all yours.

A colour for every style

Choose the one that matches your aesthetic​

Animation Image

Available in Glacier White, Midnight Black, Desert Storm, Majestic Gold & Mystic Grey*

*Actual color may vary.

A look that blends beautifully.

Works with every blind

Roller blind

Roller blind - MTronic Smart Blind

Roman blind

Roman blind - MTronic Smart Blind

No matter the type, the Smart Blind handles it all.

Next time you’re travelling,

just use the MTronic App or the Web Portal to reassure yourself all the blinds are rolled down and your home is safe and sound.

Google Play Store QR CodeGoogle Play Store Image
Apple Store QR CodeApple Store Image
MTronic Portal and App Mockup Illustrations
An illustration of half an iPhone displaying the overview of Scenes of the MTronic app with Good Moring Scene selected and a girl’s profile picture in the top right.

While lounging on the sofa,

just tell Alexa to roll down the Smart Blind to block the sun glare on the TV!

An Amazon Echo smart speaker, charcoal in color, spherical in shape with a blue light ring; Google Home smart speaker with a white and gray cylindrical design.
Google Home Smart SpeakerAlexa Smart Speaker

*MTronic is compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

Product Specifications

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Smart Blind Specification
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Item Type, Control Method, Rated Torque, Rated Speed, Noise Index , Running Time in One Direction

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Input Voltage

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Interface, Dependency, Compatibility

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Smart Blind Panel Specifications

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Smart Blind Panel dimension.
Smart Blind Panel dimension
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Item Type, Available Color(s), Material, Control Method, Mounting Type

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Input Voltage, Standby Power

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Interface, Dependency

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MTronic Logo

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107, Street 1, Block CCA, Sector C, Phase 6, DHA, Lahore.


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